


At Worldly Vision we take pride in offering a diverse range of cutting-edge drone services that redefine how you see the world. Our innovative approach and state-of-the-art technology empower us to capture stunning aerial perspectives that tell stories, inspire awe, and create lasting memories. Using aerial videography in areas around the world, we can capture imaging for use in a number of applications and industries.


Elevate your gaming experiences to new heights with our breathtaking aerial drone video shots. Our team of skilled drone pilots and videographers specialize in surveying hard to reach areas in order to capture captivating scenes that transport players into virtual worlds like never before. Immersive mapping can also allow game developers to better understand and navigate their worlds.

Our aerial videography takes gaming to the skies through several applications, including:
  • Game trailers – Showcase the game’s environment and airplay
  • In-game cinematics – Provide new levels of immersion and realism
  • VR – Capture 360 footage for VR experiences
  • Game mapping – create detailed maps of game environments

Business and Marketing

Step up your marketing game with our unparalleled drone videography and photography services. Whether you're showcasing a property, promoting an event, or highlighting your business, our aerial perspectives provide a unique and captivating view that makes your brand stand out and leaves a lasting impression. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creativity, we bring your vision to life from above.

Drone photography is not just for marketing and advertising. Businesses from different industries can use aerial footage in several ways, including:
  • Real estate – Highlight properties and their surroundings, as well as architectural modelling
  • Construction – Monitor issues on building sites, and inspect infrastructure like bridges, tunnels, and factories
  • Events – Capture aerial footage of festivals, sporting events, and weddings
  • Agriculture and Environment – Track water quality, monitor crop health, optimize irrigation, detect signs of deforestation and pollution

Drone Training

Embrace the world of drones with confidence through our comprehensive drone training programs. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, our experienced instructors guide you through the fundamentals of drone piloting, safety protocols, and advanced techniques. Gain the skills you need to navigate the skies with precision and finesse.

Worldly Vision's drone training program includes several key steps to help users become an expert in this field, including:
  • Drone flight
  • Camera operations
  • Composition, framing, and shooting
  • Post-processing

3D Modeling

Transform landscapes into digital masterpieces with our advanced 3D modeling services. Using cutting edge technology, we create highly accurate and detailed 3D models of environments, structures, and terrains. Drones equipped with LIDAR sensors can capture detailed point cloud data that can be used to create accurate 3D models of building, infrastructure and other objects using photogrammetry techniques.

3D modeling enables possibilities in multiple industries, industries ranging from architecture and construction to urban planning and entertainment, through applications including:
  • Land surveying and mapping – create 3D maps of large areas, such as construction sites and agricultural terrain, highlighting geological features and vegetation
  • Building information modeling – plan and design buildings and infrastructure by capturing data that can create 3D models of the construction
  • Disaster relief – capture 3D models of affected areas to assess the extent of damage, identify priority areas for relief, and prioritize infrastructure repairs